No hurry to break camp this morning. Up, breakfast, packed our gear away ready for another adventurous day. We checked out the Well 3 again as we were losing daylight yesterday after we had set up camp.

We headed off about 8am to Well 3A which is about 22Kms north of Well 3. The original track is not used anymore, and the track uses part of Cunyu Station Road, not that we could see any difference, just the fact that it is a “private” road. Several dips that are creek crossings in the wetter months.
May put the Cunya photo here
Well 3A is a little to the west of today’s track due to the original part of the track not being used between Well 3 and 3A. As can bes seen this is also in ruins

Although there is mention of Well 4 in the guides we used, and notes on maps, there was no marker pointing to where Well 4 was originally located
CSR Well 4A is some 50Kms north. This section has heaps of corrugations as well as multiple dips into dry creek crossings as well as a few dips that did have water or were moist. There are also a couple of “creeks” that were dry.

Proceeding on from Well 4A the track is very windy as we head down into another creek then onto Windich Springs, really nothing to see here in the dry season just a dry creek bed. About another 10 mins drive into Well 4B

Not too much left at Well 4B. This well was built in 1929 another interim one as the distance between 4 & 5 was just too far. Remember the cattle were being driven south so this was near the end of the journey.
Off to Well 5 which is the deepest well on the CSR. It has been restored and is in working order and the water was good enough to have a wash in. I was not tempted to drink it to see it it was OK although other travellers say that is is fine to drink

After a long break and it was time to set off the 20Kms to Well 6. This well has also been restored and is managed and conserved by the local traditional Landowners. Beautiful countryside around the well sites, underground water helps I guess. Good camping here but too early in the day to consider camping here for the night
Well 7 is just over 23Kms further north and a Km or so off the CSR. The well is pretty much just ruins, so it was really good to see a couple of wells that had been restored

A short drive of some 15Kms on is the location of Well 8, this is also in ruins. Although a short drive plenty of rocky sections in this area, as well as the usual corrugations. A windmill and small tank were built on this site in 1929 which are now long gone

Getting late in the day so we started off keeping an eye out for a nice camping spot for the night. Once again corrugations upon corrugations.
We found a large area with plenty of level ground, pretty close to the Canning Stock Route and plenty of dead wood so we could have our traditional campfire to sit around.
We quickly set up our tents, grabbed a beer and started organising our evening meal. A beautiful clear evening