Saturday 13 May 2017
Another very early start, we want to make up some ground after yesterday’s problems

Daily ritual, check all levels and top up the fuel
Fueled and Coffee’ed up, then we were on the road by 5:00am. We would have possibly have got away earlier if Bruce had not misplaced his spare phone and had to search everywhere, we tore that room apart without success as well as his clothes bag, without success. Another bad day coming up? Possibly so
We had an excellent run once we were on the road with very light traffic. Bruce however was still concerned over his loss of his spare phone, and was coming up with ideas as to where it may have been. Was it on the sop of the wardrobe? Unlikely, but he wanted the owners to check. Did it fall out of his bag when he placed it beside the vehicle while we were loading up in the dark? This seemed more plausible, and of course he wanted to make contact with the motel owners as quickly as he could, because as soon as there was light in the car park, anyone could see it and pick it up. Unfortunately, the owners of the motel did not have any voice mail, and did not pick up the phone until close to noon. They checked and there was no sign of a phone in the carpark nor was there any sign of the phone in the room, they even checked other rooms that we had occupied.
Today we covered some 1200KMs, traveling through Walgett, Roma, Injune (this is where we wanted to be last night) and now we are well into Queensland. Tonight we called it quits in Emerald.
Although Duane had mentioned to Bruce that he should take everything out of his bag to be sure that the spare phone was not there, Bruce did have a good look earlier in the day and was convinced that it was not there, however in the end he did decide to follow Duane’s advice and empty everything out. Lo and behold, one phone hiding under everything at the bottom of the bag, it was the last item in the bag.