Friday 12 May 2017

Do we have enough provisions
We met up at the Caltex Servo in Gold Creek, sorted some last minute provisions into the correct vehicles and left Canberra on time as planned at 4:00am. Our plan is to get to Injune in Queensland that evening.
Making good time through the early fog and the occasional ‘roo sighting.
At about 6:20am 45 KM’s from Molong (we were right at the 45 KM signpost) BANG – a big explosion in Ian’s Fourby which was ahead of us. I initially thought that it was some dirt that had been thrown up, but not so it was steam! The radiator had literally exploded, with both the bottom and top radiator tanks tearing themselves away from the radiator core and hoses.
What to do – call the NRMA, as usual an hour to get to us, and he restated the obvious, but also threw in the fact that we might have damaged the head. The NRMA guy call A1 towing who will come from Orange and that is where we want to be towed and of course this will be an hour. Frantic phone calls as we try to find a replacement radiator. Also several calls to mechanic friends to get their opinion on whether there was further [engine] damage, the overall opinion was that there would not be.

Radiator Explosion Result
The Flat Top Tow Truck did not arrive until 10:00 much to our displeasure. After getting to the radiator dealer who incidentally is not allowed to fit radiators, it turns out that the radiator is not suitable, short Land Cruiser radiator versus a long radiator which is what they have. Another dealer has a knock off radiator which is not really suitable. With further googling to see who else there is town we find the local Natrad dealer who has a brand new short radiator, the last one in town. So now led by Steve the new radiator is fitted, checked out, verified that there was no other damage and off we head.
We now head off to Dubbo which is some 400 odd KMs from Canberra, nowhere near our planned destination for the first night. We have lost about 6 hours travel time today.
Let’s hope the bad luck is now out of the way as far as vehicles are concerned.